Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

me and her..

I don't know what am i feel now..
I am just trying to get someone as special in my life..
and now, you came to my life, bring your charm for me..
you know, there's made me had feeling of others with you..
The first time I knew you, I just consider yourself as my sister, but now, I have other feelings to yourself. inexplicable feeling that previously..
I hope, what I want the same as what you want .. and I hope we can establish a relationship..

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Task Of Computer 2

My favorit instant messager is skype..

          because of skype itself I can use voice calls and video calls from PC to PC through the Internet for free. Why do I make skype as instant messagger my favorite because skype is easy to use, simply through www.skype.com we can access more quickly and cheaply. Skype is very simple, just enough to install skype on your PC, then create an email account that you can use to register the first time.       

          Once your account is created, you can immediately use to start phone calls for free. It's just to use the phone calls from PC to PC, you must have the adequate computer and voice. You need microfon and speakers. Sound and picture quality depending on internet connection. skype picture quality better than others, although depending on internet connection. Skype can also attach files. There is also emoltion like a smile to chat.

Task Of Computer

The Importance Of Email And Blogs

In my opinion, the importance of email and blogs are: 
• As an alternative media are quick and convenient to communicate with others.
• As media delivery of formal and non formal letter.  
 • Easily send mail from anywhere using email through your computer or laptop.
• By email we can send the song data, image files, and other files that are compressed. 
 • Email as a bridge of information between the broker and the publisher.  
• The importance of blogs as a journal for radical views on politics, governance, systems, technology, nature, etc.
• Blogs are also often a source for them to communicate with others, especially those who have the same line of interest and also help in expanding their social circle.
• Blogging as a very important means of communication for the corporate or business both internally and externally.  
• Blogs as an attraction to lure customers who are targeted in a business.
• blogs became a leading oppurtunity to communicate with their clients and increase their marketing, branding and public relations purposes .
• blog as a place to display information such as company news and the official launch of new products.
• Blog becomes a very powerful tool for communities to make their voices heard or opinion. 

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

assignment Mr. Kusmayadi about historical development of tourism in indonesia)

The history of tourism era of the old order 1945-1965

A. Tourism Activities Period 1945-1955 Period
After a long halt of tourism activities in Indonesia due to the occurrence of World War II and Japanese occupation, this continues to defend the independence proclamation of August 17, 1945. Nevertheless, the Government of Indonesia is perceptive enough to quickly overcome and give attention to the tourism sector as one of the sectors supporting the State's economy.
            To overcome this the government during the wake of the revolution in 1946 formed Hotels and Tourisme (HONET) over vice presidential decree (Drs Moh. Hatta) within the Ministry of Transportation. Assigned to continue the management of hotels owned by the former Dutch. The first action undertaken by Honet is to rename the former Dutch hotels in Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Madiun, Cirebon, Sukabumi, Malang, Sarangan, Purwokerto, and Pekalongan, the Hotel Merdeka. But after the agreement Round Table Conference (RTC) was signed (1949), all company-owned former Dutch nationalized, it should be returned to its original owners. Including hotels Merdeka thus Honet currently do not have the function again so dissolved.
            After Honet disbanded, in 1952 issued Presidential Decree Inter-Depertemental Pnaitia Formation Tourisme Affairs, whose job is to seek the possibility of Indonesia as a Tourist Destination maketh or tourist destination (DTW). Because the board is unable to work optimally. Then in 1953 founded an organization called States Combined Hotel and Tourisme Indonesia or abbreviated Sergahti. Sergahti has nearly all the major hotels in Indonesia. With the commissioner, commissioner of West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, Kalimantan, South Sumatra and North Sumatra.
 Age is no longer the organization it is because the managers feel like a failure in carrying out their mission remains the occupants vacate the mission in the hotels. In addition, it is not successfully completed the issue of pricing or tariff hotels (hotels prijsbeheering) imposed by the government.

B. Tourism Activities Period 1955-1965 Period
            Year 1955 is a stepping stone or can dsebut also as a milestone for the development of tourism in Indonesia. The events that occurred that year which more or less influential in the development of tourism in Indonesia.
            Asian-African Conference (KAA), which took place in Bandung on 18-24 April 1955 a positive influence on the field of tourism of Indonesia. Our country became more known internationally so that little by little, a lot has also increased the number of visits of foreign tourists to Indonesia.
            Industrial State Bank, which is now a Development Bank Indonesia or Bapindo, in 1955 founded a commercial company that berbama PT Natour Ltd. (National Hotels & Tourism Corp. Ltd.). PT Natour then have Trasaera Hotel in Jakarta, Bali Hotel, Shindu Beach Hotel, and Kuta Beach Hotel Bali, Hotel Garuda in Yogyakarta, Simpang Hotel in Surabaya, and various other hotels throughout Indonesia. As one subsidiary of a bank owned by government, then the PT Natour by itself is a state-owned company that later became known as State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). In December 1993 the Board of Directors of PT Natour merged with PT Hotel Indonesia International (Hii), which is also the status of SOEs.
In 1955 within the Ministry of Communications established the Directorate of Tourism. Pioneers Association of Tourism in the manuscript, entitled History of Growth and Tourism of Indonesia stated Tourisme Bureau, led by Soeganda. In 1964, the position as head of the directorate Tourism Soeganda replaced by G. Sudiono.
            developments managed to improve morale and passion oranmg those interested in the tourism. Then was born the Foundation Tourisme Indonesia (Yii) of a non-commercial use. The ultimate goal is to foster and develop the tourism industry more effectively to support the economy of the State of Indonesia.
            In a manuscript history of tourism in Indonesia pertumbuuhan not listed on establishment of the Foundation Tourisme Indonesia (Yii), but there's only year of birth and place of such organizations, namely the 1955 in the Grand Hotel du Pavillon in Jakarta. Later renamed Hotel Majapahit and now disassembled into the parking building Sesneg. YTI funding obtained from the contributions of its members and donors who are now commonly called the sponsor. In a short time YTI has successfully opened branches in various regions in Indonesia. In the spirit of a passionate campaign YTI "conscious tour" to promote tourism.
"Conscious Tourism" to "Promoting tourism" is a new tourism jargon arises towards the end of 1990. however, substantially the activity has been conducted since 1955 by YTI. In a tourism awareness campaign, the S. Brata with the entire corps reporters memagang capital of the great role that has created a climate of Tourisme fever for a few years later. YTI also established relationships with tourism organizations and a member of Interbasional Pcific Tourism Area (PATA) and ASTA.
            With this success, YTI then appealed to the government to be recognized as the only body that has the task to nurture and guide tourism in Indonesia. Transport Minister Suchyar Tedjasusmana willing to give it on condition that recognition YTI lepariwisataan held a national congress.
            National Congress of Tourisme I tersebutmenghasilkan a private single container that moves in the field of tourism, namely the Council Tourisme DTI received recognition from the government as the only private central body. Non-commercial use and act as a representative of the foundation body or institution in the area to help and assist the government and take care of matters of tourism.
            Use of the name of the Council of Indonesia seems Tourisme meruoakan a compromise reached between YTI with organizations of non-YTI tourism. From the results of the compromise mamka entire tourism organizations merged into one new kedalamwadah, the DTI. But in 1961 the DTI changed its name to Tourism Council of Indonesia (Depari).

The history of tourism in the days of the new order
A. Tourism developments
Along with the development of age who is accompanied by the development of science and technology to make tourism is growing rapidly. Of the perpetrators, facilities, accommodation and so on increasingly complex. Factors supporting tourism in the post-New Order are as follows:
Ø Transportation: Transportation is a means of support that can not be ignored in the world of tourism. Transportation includes air and land transportation. Ground transportation includes Trains and Automobiles (bus). Today has been a lot of business land transport (bus) that is specific to tourism interests.
Ø Hotel and Restourant: Hotel provides accommodation services for tourists, in which there is also a pick-up and delivery service to and from the terminal, laundry, drugstore, restaurants, etc..
Ø Objek Wisata: At every tourist destination, there must be an object that can be visited and seen by tourists, be it natural, historical, or something unique.
Ø Atraksi wisata: Tourist destination certainly needed what is called a tourist attraction, this attraction can be a performance art, or customs, ceremonies, religious ceremonies etc.., Which is unique.
Ø Cindera Mata: Tourism destination should also provide souvenirs for tourists, souvenir that should something unique and characteristic tourist destination, not too big and heavy so it is easy to carry.

In the post-New Order develop in any kind of tourism. As for the types of Tourism, among others, are
1. History and culture: heritage, customs and performances.
2. Nature: mountains, panati and caves.
3. Shopping: markets and craft centers.
5. Special Interest
Travel to find out specific things: conservation of heritage, history and ancient,
6. Religious: religious centers, pilgrimage, and
leaving the history of religion.
Post-New Order, there are several constraints faced by the world of tourism such as terrorism and political stability are less stable.

Reference :
Budi Raharja. 2006.Seni Dalam Industri Pariwisata Indonesia.Yogyakarta: UNY Press
H,Kodhyat.1996.Sejarah Pariwisata dan Perkembangannya di Indonesia.Jakarta:PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.
Anonim, Pariwisata Pasca Orde Baru:
www://wapedia.mobi/id/daftar_tempat_periwisata_di_Indonesia.com. diakses pada 6 Mei 2010.
Referensi: history zone, blogspot khusus pecinta sejarah (http://fauzihistory.blogspot.com/2009/03/sejarah-pariwisata-zaman-orde-lama-1945.html)